Kids usually start losing their baby teeth between the ages of five and fifteen

Transitioning Children

Transitioning children away from naps is a major change for both you and your child. Many children experience the transition smoothly, but for others, the process can be a bit more challenging. Fortunately, there are many tips to help you make this change. Keeping these tips in mind can help make the transition easier for everyone involved.

For the first few days, don’t move the nap time earlier. You want it to be around 8 or 9pm at night. Similarly, don’t let your child take naps in the car or anywhere else. During this time, they will most likely wake up throughout the night. By the third day, you can start to remove the second nap.


Regardless of how difficult your child’s transition to waking times may be, remember that babies are different. It’s not the same for every child and it may take up to two weeks for some children to adjust to a new schedule. It’s important to take it day by day and not to rush into anything.

your child

During the first few weeks, your child may be overtired and irritable. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not ready for a change. The lack of sleep can affect their mood and make them less likely to cooperate during the day. You should gradually decrease the duration of the nap to get your child ready for the transition.

While transitioning children away from naps is a natural process for babies, it should be handled carefully and gradually. Your child’s needs will determine what time they need to sleep. Once they no longer need a nap, the bedtime routine will be easier to establish. You can try to reduce the length of naps by as much as half an hour.

children's brains

It’s important to remember that children’s brains are extremely flexible and have the capacity to store so much information.


When you don’t allow them to nap, their brains can’t organize these memories correctly, and this can have catastrophic effects on their memory.


Fortunately, some researchers have begun to investigate the relationship between sleep habits and brain maturation.

If your child is a morning person, it may be safer to cut out their naps and get them up earlier. This will also help them adjust to a less sleep schedule, and they’ll be able to get more rest at night. You should also consider your child’s age when transitioning them away from naps.

During this time, you may also have to adjust the bedtime to compensate for this new schedule. While children need one nap a day, the amount of time they need to sleep varies by age. Babies usually need 12-14 hours of sleep, while toddlers need around 11-13 hours


But their brains need a time to rest and organize all the sensory input. They’ve found that children who have successfully transitioned away from naps have much more mature hippocampuses, which are involved in memory.